Symptoms and Diagnosis Online

Symptoms and Diagnosis Online

Regardless of whether you're facing issues that are life-threatening or symptoms that are simply uncomfortable or irritating, there are ways to check yourself to find out if you've got an underlying condition. Symptoms and diagnosis online are found in form of tools where you can search diseases by symptom and even calculators that will factor a list of symptoms that you enter into a probable root cause. Though online diagnosis is pretty reliable, it is of the utmost importance to get checked with a doctor in person so that all physical examination tests may be administered to ascertain if there are other symptoms that you may not have noticed.

Hidden Symptoms and How to Find Them

Because some symptoms aren’t easy for the eye to see, it’s always recommended that you get a second opinion after checking out your online diagnosis by a licensed Physician. In the event that you do not have health insurance, contact a free clinic. Check your medical plan or HMO to find covered doctors in your area. If you absolutely cannot reach a doctor and you need to test yourself for additional symptoms, some of the physical tests that a doctor will perform include:


  • Listening for abnormalities in organ function using a stethoscope
  • Checking the back of the throat for inflammation
  • Checking for fever
  • Checking dilation of the pupil
  • Checking reflexes

If you have access to any tools that can assist in running the above mentioned tests, record your results and if it’s any way possible, bring them, along with the print out of what you found on the self-diagnosis site, to your preferred doctor. This will assist him or her in identifying what’s wrong with you quickly and definitively.

Online Diagnostic Resources

If you’re looking for information about a specific ailment, WebMD is a very popular site with a plethora of information about symptoms and illnesses alike. There is also a site called that is reliable and only takes a short moment to get registered! By answering questions about yourself and your symptoms the site will automatically ascertain what potential issues could be at work within your body. Another such site is All of these sites will effectively narrow your search of what illness may be afflicting you by computing your symptoms, age, gender and more when coming up with responses. Again, there is no substitute for an actual physical check up!

Extreme Health Emergencies

If you find that your symptoms are indicative of anything that may be a terminal illness or cancer it is of utmost importance for you to see a doctor immediately. Though the sites are often dead-on with their results, it’s especially important when you see something life-threatening come up to go to your local free clinic or physician, depending on whether you have health insurance or not. Don’t let the sites get you down either: until a doctor has confirmed with you in person that you have cancer or some other terminal illness, don’t worry too much.